Animals in the Estes Valley

Estes Park, Colorado is located at 7,500 feet and the weather can be very unpredictable. The worst time of year is the transition from winter to spring or should I say winter to summer? Spring comes slowly-if at all. This year is no different, we went from 30s-40s and then 80s!

Spring is usually a step up in temperature and the need to be cautious around the streams. As the temperatures rise, the snow begins to melt. This past winter our upper elevation had snow-packs 230% above normal. These waters will be coming through the Estes Valley at very high speeds. We need to take caution of this rapid movement as well as the temperature. These waters are very cold and can cause hypothermia.

The vegetation begins to grow and the Estes Park area will pop with color! One of the first flowers we’ll see is the “Easter flower” aka Pasque flower. This little purple flower is a delight to see after the brown and white winter months.

The other great excitement is all the wildlife babies being born. The elk have started calving, birds are building their nests, foxes are having their kits, bears and bobcats are having their cubs and moose are having their calves.

Granted, the Estes Valley is not known to see moose often, but just this morning two were spotted over on the Historical MacGregor Ranch next to Black Canyon Inn in Estes Park, Colorado. Enjoy the pictures we’ve collected through the years of our local visitors.


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